Friday, December 23, 2011

Why wasting time on validation? Easy and proper way to validate your forms by spry validation option in Dreamviewer CS5

Is it a hectic to implement validations on your html forms ? here is a good solution for it, anyone can do this even you do not have the any knowledge on Javascript. watch below video.. cheers


  1. You can set the factor at which acceptance occurs when the customer important outside the gadget, as the customer creates alternatives, or when the customer tries to post the type.

    Verification forms

  2. Hu Ruby thanks for the comments, did you notice in the properties of this spry validations have almost every possibilities that may com, even for a password field we can validata whether there's a one number one capital letter , and each and every option there are lots of options, if something arise out of the box we can give it a try to alter the js
